Ashton Kutcher’s Net Worth


Name:Christopher Ashton Kutcher
Birth Date:February 7, 1978 (age 41)
Occupation:Actor, Entrepreneur, Investor.
Net-Worth:$200 million
Spouse:Demi Moore (2005-2013), Mila Kunis (2015-present)
Zodiac Sign:Aquarius


Rendered famous thanks to his appearances in many sitcoms and romantic movies Ashton Kutcher is a successful American actor and entrepreneur. 

Thanks to his dedication and interest in becoming more than just another pretty acting celebrity, today he is a successful entrepreneur and investor, amassing a fortune of $200 million.

Early life

He was born on February 7, 1978, in Iowa, son of 2 conservative factory workers, from which he learned the importance of working hard. During his teenage years, he didn’t like staying at home because his parents were fighting a lot at the time and because he didn’t want to hear bad news about his brother that was fighting with cerebral palsy.

When he was 15, his parents divorced, and they moved to another small town in Iowa, where Ashton Joined the high school drama. He was good at school, and he planned to become a geneticist so that he could research about heart infections so that he could stop the virus from which his brother had suffered from. 

Anyway, his true aspiration was to become an actor but he didn’t have enough funds to let him pursue such a career, so he decided to join the MIT and pursue a biochemical engineering career. One day, he broke through his high school with a friend of his during his senior year to take a candy machine, but the police caught them and sentenced Ashton to 3 years of probation and 180 days of social service. He couldn’t joint he MIT anymore at this point, so after graduating from High-School he went to the university of Iowa but his ambition to become an actor still didn’t leave him.


When he was at the campus bar, he randomly met somebody that was working in a modeling agency that suggested him to try a competition that was held in New York. He entered the competition and won it, becoming a professional model working for Calvin Klein and other prestigious brands, apart from walking the fashion runways in Paris and Milan.

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Ashton sensed that by taking the modeling journey he could have gotten many more opportunities to work as an actor and, in fact, after some months of modeling he was invited to L.A. to audition for a comedy show that was given to him right away.

His Success

He was good at it and thanks to a combination of his acting skills and beauty, he soon became a television star, flooded with work requests and girls asking him for autographs like kids do with candies. He later started appearing on the big screen in movies like “Just married” with Brittany Murphy with which he then got into a relationship with and made even more gossip and noise, contributing to the enhancement of his fame. 

Later on, in 2004 he starred in “The butterfly Effect” proving his acting abilities again and making it hit the number one spot within the first week of its release. Anyway, this didn’t let him become an established dramatic actor as he didn’t manage to be taken seriously by the public; that’s when he moved into producing movies.

3 Lessons we can learn from his story

Lesson 1: Give it a Try

Ashton Kutcher didn’t know how the whole acting thing would have become real. He knew that by taking the modeling journey, he could have had some chances, anyway, that wasn’t sure or guaranteed. He gave it a try eventually, and it worked because whenever you do something proactively, the chances that this single path will bring you into another one are huge and when you’ll start to practice this you’ll understand what I mean. That’s been the case in most of my life journey so far too, so just give it a try!

Lesson 2: Listen to Your Heart

Ashton knew that he had to pursue this acting career somehow and that it would have given him the fulfillment and passion for keeping up with it. His instinct proved to be right, in fact through acting he has been able to impact many people worldwide apart from letting him pursue other career path such as the investor one.

Lesson 3: Don’t care about what others think

Do you think Ashton would have gotten into a relationship with Demi Moore if he cared too much about what others could have thought of him? Surely not. If he were too worried about the public opinion of getting into a relationship with a woman 15 years older than him that was also the wife of Bruce Willis, then he would have missed out on this magical life experience. Go your own way and let others talk as while they fill their mouths with stupid commentaries you’ll enjoy your life and even forget about them one day.

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5 Tips to Succeed

Tip #1: Take Risks

Ashton Kutcher didn’t take his life in a comfortable way. Whenever he needed to step towards something that could give him more chances to succeed, he did it and reaped benefits. He quit school to become a model, after that he became an actor as he was bored performing as a model. That’s when he started to take more risks and to get himself involved in many other businesses as an investor. 

Tip #2: Save your most precious advice

Sometimes in life, we hit moments where we might feel discouraged or when we don’t know what to do next. Those are natural moments for everybody to go through; nonetheless, to each problem, there is always a solution, right? Well, what if you can build a library of the most precious advice you can get from your mentors or successful people and acmes this library whenever you feel down? That would make you cope with your problems more efficiently and effectively as even if you are in a negative state, your advice to that problem won’t be influenced by both your mood and the mood of others, but it will just be a piece of objective advice.

Tip #3: Ask the right questions

Many people, when confronted with the opportunity to speak with a successful individual, waste their time asking them what their favorite color is or what they think about potential alien attacks. If you have the chance to speak to somebody that achieved success in some way, ask questions that will make them, you and other people discover something new, think about a new problem or see things from a different perspective. 

Tip #4: Solve Problems

What he likes is solving problems and sometimes when you solve your own problems you solve somebody else’s problems. Instead of trying to sell people crap, try to make something that will make them feel better, and that will improve their lives. Either you do this on a small scale or on a bigger scale doesn’t matter, what matters is the intention behind your actions and that you start doing at least one thing to make somebody else’s life better. By doing something good for you and other people as well you’ll be a happy problem solver, and you’ll live in the most honorable way you can.

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Tip #5: Be Yourself

You have to start understanding that a people-pleasing attitude is never going to make you happy and one day or another, you’ll need to confront yourself with your true nature, desires, and inclinations. The sooner you start putting into practice those things, the earlier you’ll grow up as an individual, and the better you’ll serve both yourself and the world you’re in.

Favorite Quotes

  • “There are dumb questions. There are questions that waste your time and my time and everybody else’s time.”
  • “Being able to create an impulse within a consumer to do something is an art form.”
  • “If you wanna be Mark Zuckerberg, the best you are gonna be is second place cause he will always be a better Mark Zuckerberg than you.”
  • “When you usually talk you speak somebody else’s words and try to make them sound real.”
  • “Generosity has to be at the core of everything and anything we do.”


  • He reportedly had an affair with the singer Rihanna.
  • He used to prank waiters by ordering something that wasn’t on the menu. 
  • His role model is his brother that thanks to a heart transplant is still alive today.
  • He would run around the halls of high school with his underwear on.
  • He loved partying and picking up girls a lot in his early celebrity days.
  • For many years he was in a relationship with the famous actress Demi Moore that is 15 years older than him and formerly married to Bruce Willis.
  • He is an investor in Skype, Airbnb, Foursquare, and many more.
  • He owns a 10 million dollar home in Hollywood Hills and another $7 Million home in Beverly hills.


Ashton Kutcher has proven not to be your typical actor. With his entrepreneurial skills and business-minded attitude, he doesn’t stop surprising his fans, sharing knowledge and solving problems worldwide, driven by a passion for making the difference. Thanks to this mindset and desire to do more and be more he managed to accumulate a fortune of $200 million along his years of service.

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